Caps, Gowns, and Jerseys: The Trends In Fashion for Graduation Pictures

On Friday, May 5, 2017, the University of Georgia commencement will take place in Sanford Stadium where it will be filled with undergraduates eager to turn their tassels, and family and friends filling the stands to cheer them on.

There is a lot to think about when approaching graduation. Career path, next steps, and what city to live in, but there is a decision that is hard for everyone and can really make or break the graduation experience, which is what to wear to your graduation shoot.

The trends of graduation picture outfits have been consistent over the past few years, especially with young women.

Many females bring two outfits, one nicer dress for a picture in front of the Arch. Then they bring an outfit that is more casual but represents their day-to-day style, and then a Georgia jersey is brought to throw on over a dress or casual outfit.

These trends continued into the 2017 season as many graduates dressed for their graduation shoot.

(Photo by Mary Grace Heath) Susannah Kindrick, 21, Pine Mountain, Georgia, wears a red formal dress during her graduation photo shoot on Wednesday, April 26, 2017, in front of the Arch in downtown Athens, Georgia.
(Photo by Mary Grace Heath) Susannah Kindrick, 21, Pine Mountain, Georgia poses on north campus at the University of Georgia on Friday, April 26, 2017 with an off the shoulder jean top, white denim jeans, and OTBT open toe shoes during a graduation shoot.
(Photo by Mary Grace Heath) Susannah Kindrick, 21, Pine Mountain, Georgia wears a Georgia jersey during a graduation shoot at the Chapel bell at the University of Georgia on Friday, April 26, 2017. Kindrick wore a jersey with white denim jeans and OTBT shoes.
(Photo by Mary Grace Heath) On Tuesday, April 25, 2017 a group of Chi Omega seniors took graduation pictures on north campus with Georgia jerseys on over their dresses. They posed appropriately to match their attire.













(Photo by Mary Grace Heath) Chi Omega seniors pose in cocktail dresses for graduation pictures in downtown Athens, Georgia on Wednesday, April 25, 2017. This is a popular spot to get a picture with Athens in the background usually with the pick of a nicer outfit.
(Photo by Mary Grace Heath) Katie Maxham, 22, Woodstock, Georgia, wears a red halter cut dress with black pumps in front the the Arch in downtown Athens, Georgia on Monday, April 10, 2017.
(Photo by Mary Grace Heath) Katie Maxham, 22, Woodstock, Georgia changes into a jersey with a plaid flannel wrapped around her waist, and jean shorts for a more casual picture on north campus at the University of Georgia on April 10, 2017.

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